Category: Blog News

  • Updating Magento code to be compatible with PHP 5.3

    Even tough PHP 5.3 has been out for quite a while, there is still lots of old code out there that will not run correctly when moved from 5.2 to 5.3. In my case I had to move a 2 year old Magento website to a new server and ran into problems as the default…

  • Fix Mantis Captcha Image open_basedir Error

    I recently installed the lastest version of Mantis Bug Tracker. Sadly when I tried to signup for the first time, the captcha used in the signup form didn’t show up. Opening the generated jpeg file reveals several errors related to my server’s PHP security settings. SYSTEM WARNING: ‘file_exists(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/usr/share/fonts/corefonts/) is not…

  • Magento Notice: Undefined index: 0

    Today I got this mysterious error message after moving a Magento website to a new server. Magento Notice: Undefined index: 0  in …/htdocs/app/code/core/Mage/Core/Model/Mysql4/Config.php on line 92 Turns out this was due to a faulty import of the database. Apparently there are a few tables where using an id of 0 in the auto_increment column has…

  • Magento: Ultimate cache clear script

    Update: If you use a recent version of Magento there might be a better solution here. If you have been using Magento with a BIG database of products you will soon realize that the built-in “cache management” is quite limited due to the server’s usual time limit on requests. You just can’t refresh your catalog…